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Hitool possessed a number of core technologies, including DCU (electronic

differential controlling), EASR (electronic anti-skid system), IESS (intelligent electronic body stability system), IRBS (intelligent re-generative braking system), and passed strict system certification TUV IA TF16949. Our products range from 5T, 9T, 13T to 14T, apply to 6-30m mass transportation, including minibuses, buses, double-decker buses, articulated buses and airport shuttle buses, meanwhile, and wheel-side motor axle for heavy-duty trucks. At present, we are the manufacturer with the most complete product range in the field of wheel-side motor axle, equipped with the strongest competitive-ness.

Hitool founding team started the development of EV and powertrain since 2009, and has accumulated full standards, regulations, FMAE and know-how. In addition to supplying products, CDTL also provides customization service on wheel-side motor axle, 

 traction motor and motor controller, and technology transfer, as well as vehicle design service, steering stability and riding comfort simulation analysis and suspension K&C simulation.